Dear readers,
At the risk of appearing to engage in unseemly self-promotion, I would just like to let everyone know about a recently published article reviewing research on music perception by cochlear implant users. The reference is:
McDermott HJ: “Music perception with cochlear implants: A review,” Trends in Amplification, vol. 8, pp. 49-82, 2004.
We would be happy to post a copy of the article to anyone who is interested.
Best regards,
Hugh McDermott, PhD
Principal Research Fellow
The Garnett Passe & Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation
Department of Otolaryngology
The University of Melbourne
384 - 388 Albert Street,
East Melbourne. 3002
Phone: +61 3 9929 8665
Fax: +61 3 9663 6086
E-mail: hughm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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