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"Thinking In Sound"

Dear List:

Just a note to let you know that this book is now available for only
$3.95 from Edward R. Hamilton.  Shipping and handling is $3.50
per order (not per book).  Here is a direct link to the book on the site:


Note that they don't have true on-line ordering... you still have to mail them
a check.  I've dealt with them for years and have always been
highly satisfied.

THINKING IN SOUND: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition .
Edited By S. McAdams & E. Bigand

Comprehensive authoritative summary of what is known about the cognitive
aspects of human audition.

354 pages
Published by Oxford
Item # 3030768
ISBN 0198522576
Remainder Pub at $34.95 Your Price $3.95


Robert Masta

         D A Q A R T A
Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
 Shareware from Interstellar Research