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[AUD] ICMPC - Conference Announcement
Dear List -
Scott Lipscomb sent me this announcment of the 2004 International
Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, to be held in Evanston
next August.
------- Forwarded Message
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 15:04:43 -0500
To: dpwe@ee.columbia.edu
From: "Scott D. Lipscomb" <lipscomb@northwestern.edu>
Subject: ICMPC - Conference Announcement
Dear Friends & Colleagues:
I am very pleased to announce that the 8th International Conference on
Music Perception and Cognition will be held August 3-7, 2004 in
Evanston, IL (12 miles north of downtown Chicago). The conference
will be sponsored by the Society for Music Perception & Cognition and
hosted by the Northwestern University School of Music. Below, I have
included the text for both the conference announcement and the Call
for Papers. You will also find Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version of these
files attached to this message. Please note that deadline for
submissions is December 1, 2003. Visit our conference web site
( http://www.northwestern.edu/icmpc/ ) for more details.
We look forward to seeing you next summer. Please don't hesitate to
contact me directly should you have questions.
Scott Lipscomb, ICMPC8 Conference Organizer
Dr. Scott D. Lipscomb, Associate Professor
Northwestern University School of Music
Conference Announcement
8th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition
We are pleased to announce that the 8th International Conference on Music
Perception and Cognition (ICMPC8) will be held at Northwestern University
in Evanston, Illinois, USA, August 3-7, 2004. The biennial ICMPC is the
world conference on music psychology and related disciplines.
The 2003 ICMPC conference follows meetings of the music perception and
cognition research community in Kyoto, Japan (1989), Los Angeles, U.S.A.
(1992), Liege, Belgium (1994), Montreal, Canada (1996), Seoul, South Korea
(1998), Keele, U.K. (2000), and Sydney, Australia (2002). ICMPC8 will be
sponsored by the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). Other
participating societies include: the European Society for the Cognitive
Sciences of Music (ESCOM), the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive
Sciences of Music (APSCOM), Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS),
the Japanese Society for Music Perception and Cognition (JSMPC), the Korean
Society for Music Perception and Cognition (KSMPC), and the Argentine
Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (SACCOM). ICMPC8 will be
hosted by the Northwestern University School of Music, with faculty
affiliated with NUs Music Cognition, Music Education, and Music Technology
programs serving as members of the conference organizing committee.
The venue for ICMPC8 is the School of Music at Northwestern University
( http://music.northwestern.edu/ ). In view
from the conference site are the beautiful Lake Michigan shoreline and
downtown Chicago, with its vibrant cultural life and many musical
The focus of ICMPC8 is interdisciplinary discussion and dissemination of
new, unpublished research relating to the field of music perception and
cognition. The conference will have relevance for university and industry
researchers and graduate students working in psychology, music theory and
composition, psychophysics, music performance and education, music therapy
and music medicine, neurophysiology, ethnomusicology, developmental
psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, and computer technology.
Submissions are invited for: (1) spoken papers, (2) poster presentations,
(3) demonstration papers, and (4) symposia. The deadline for submissions to
ICMPC8 is December 1, 2003. Spoken papers, posters, conference proceedings,
and publications will be in English. Details of submission format,
procedure, and deadlines can be found on the conference web site
( http://www.northwestern.edu/icmpc/ ).
Northwestern University is located on the west coast of Lake Michigan. The
beautiful township of Evanston is the first suburb north of the Chicago
city limits, just twelve miles north of downtown. The Chicagoland area is
served by two major airports (OHare and Midway), making travel to and from
the conference convenient and easy. The conference venue and local lodging
sites are conveniently located, with public transportation in and out of
Chicago and surrounding areas readily available using the "El" (elevated
train system).
Visit the ICMPC8 web site
( http://www.northwestern.edu/icmpc ) or
contact the conference organizer, Dr. Scott D. Lipscomb
( lipscomb@northwestern.edu ). We look
forward to welcoming you to Evanston in August 2004!
Scott Lipscomb, Conference Organizer
Richard Ashley, Robert Gjerdingen, & Peter Webster, Conference Organizing
8th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition (ICMPC8)
Evanston, IL, August 3-7, 2004
Northwestern University School of Music
ICMPC8 is the world conference on music psychology and related
disciplines. For more details about the conference, point your web browser
to the ICMPC8 conference web site
( http://www.northwestern.edu/icmpc/ ).
For general information about the conference mission and past conferences,
visit the general ICMPC web site ( http://www.icmpc.org/ ).
The 2004 Evanston conference follows meetings of the music perception and
cognition research community in Kyoto, Japan (1989); Los Angeles, USA
(1992); Li=E8ge, Belgium (1994); Montr=E9al, Canada (1996); Seoul, South Korea
(1998); Keele, UK (2000); and Sydney, Australia (2002). ICMPC8 will be
sponsored by the Society for Music Perception and Cognition and hosted by
the Northwestern University School of Music.
The venue for ICMPC8 is the School of Music at Northwestern University
( http://music.northwestern.edu/ ). In view
from the conference site are the beautiful Lake Michigan shoreline and
downtown Chicago, with its vibrant cultural life and many musical
Conference Aims
The focus of ICMPC8 is interdisciplinary discussion and dissemination of
new, unpublished research relating to the field of music perception and
cognition. The conference will have relevance for university and industry
researchers and graduate students working in psychology, music theory and
composition, psychophysics, music performance, music education, music
therapy and music medicine, neurophysiology, ethnomusicology, developmental
psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer technology, and
other related fields of inquiry.
ICMPC Organizing Committee
Scott Lipscomb, Chair
Richard Ashley, Robert Gjerdingen, & Peter Webster, co-organizers
ICMPC Advisory Board (Society Presidents & Past Conference Organizers)
Richard Ashley -Eugenia Costa-Giomi -Ir=E8ne Deli=E8ge - Roger Kendall -Sonoko
Kuwano -Isabel Martinez
Susan O'Neill -Kengo Ohgushi - Bruce Pennycook -Andrzej Rakowski - John
Sloboda - Kate Stevens -Suk Won Yi
Submissions are invited for:
1. Spoken papers
2. Poster presentations
3. Demonstrations
4. Symposia
The deadline for submissions to ICMPC8 is December 1, 2003. The conference
language is English and spoken papers, posters, conference proceedings, and
publications will all be in English.
Spoken papers, constituting the bulk of the program, will be allocated 30
minutes, consisting of 20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for questions
& discussion, and 5 minutes for preparatory set-up for the following
presentation. Full text of papers will be available on the CD-ROM
Proceedings for the conference.
Poster presentations and demonstrations will appear in the conference
program, abstract book, and proceedings and will be assigned to designated
times in the conference schedule. Depending on subject and/or content, it
may be more appropriate to submit an abstract as a poster for visual
presentation rather than as a 20-minute spoken presentation. In general,
the sorts of papers which are most effective as posters are those in which
the major conclusions become evident from the thoughtful examination of
charts and graphs, rather than those which require the audience to follow a
sustained chain of verbal argumentation. Therefore, authors will want to
make points in narrative form as brief as possible. The poster paper is
able to stand alone; that is, be understandable even if the author is not
present and does not typically require audiovisual support. For
demonstrations of software or equipment, authors will be responsible for
ensuring that the necessary equipment is available, and their submission
should include a full description of the equipment and facilities
required. Specific information about poster dimensions and other
requirements will be communicated to authors of accepted poster
presentations in the acceptance letter.
Symposia will consist of a set of integrated spoken papers related to a
theme. The total time allowed for a symposium will be 90 minutes to two
hours, consisting of three to four 25-minute papers and a discussion
(although variations will be considered). Symposium convenors are asked to
coordinate submission of papers ... including an abstract for the entire
symposium stating the rationale for the topic, the aims of the symposium,
and the set of speakers proposed (see detailed submission information
below). A discussant may also be proposed.
Submission Procedure
All submissions for spoken papers, posters, demonstration papers, and
symposia must include a submission form and a structured abstract OR
four-page paper that conforms to the instructions below.
1. Submission Form
A separate form should accompany each submission and include the full
contact details for the first author (full name, affiliation, full postal
address, email address, phone number, and FAX number) and name &
affiliation for all secondary authors. Authors should also indicate on the
submission form a general topic area under which the paper might be
grouped. The chosen topic area can be selected from the list below or a
new topic area may be proposed.
Suggested Topic Areas
Absolute pitch
Aesthetic perception and response
Computational models
Emotion in music
Memory and music
Music and neuroscience
Music development
Music education
Music, meaning, and language
Music performance
Perception and psychophysics
Rhythm, meter, and timing
The submission form can be downloaded from the conference web site or a
paper copy can be requested by writing to Scott Lipscomb at: ICMPC8,
Northwestern University School of Music, 711 Elgin Road, Evanston, IL,
60208, USA. Alternatively, you can send an email message to
providing your full postal address and FAX number.
All submissions should be typed. Either structured abstracts (250-500
words in length) or papers up to four pages in length can be submitted for
possible inclusion in ICMPC8. Abstracts and papers will be evaluated using
a blind peer review process. The Conference Proceedings will distinguish
between those papers that were reviewed and accepted on the basis of a
structured abstract and those for which the full paper was reviewed.
Submissions are often rejected because they omit crucial information rather
than because of errors in what they include. To minimize the possibility of
such omission, please follow the guidelines presented below exactly.
2a. Structured Abstract Guidelines
* Abstracts must be between 250 and 500 words in length, typed, and
should not include references.
* Abstracts should begin with a title in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and the
appropriate topic area (see list above). Do not put author name(s)
anywhere on the abstract page. Names should appear only on the Submission
Form, available from the conference web site.
* Abstracts should be structured with headings.
* For empirical papers, the headings should include
* 1. Background 2. Aims 3. Method 4. Results 5.
Conclusions. 6. Topic Areas.
* For theoretical/review papers, headings should include
* 1. Background 2. Aims 3. Main Contribution 4.
Implications. 5. Topic Areas.
* Authors should indicate at the bottom of each abstract up to five
keywords, specifying the most important topics or content of the
paper. Keywords will be used to assist in reviewing and streaming of
papers. Also at the bottom of the abstract, please provide the word count.
2b. Four-Page Paper
Paper submissions (up to four pages in length) are required for researchers
who wish to submit a more detailed document for review. The structure of
the four-page paper is to be the same as the structured abstract but with
the inclusion of additional detail in each section.
* The four-page paper should be typed and include complete references.
* Full papers should begin with a title in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and the
appropriate topic area (see list above). Do not put author name(s)
anywhere in the document. Names should appear only on the Submission Form,
available from the conference web site.
* Full papers should be structured with headings.
* For empirical papers, the headings should include
* 1. Background 2. Aims 3. Method 4. Results 5.
Conclusions. 6. Topic Areas.
* For theoretical/review papers, headings should include
* 1. Background 2. Aims 3. Main Contribution 4.
Implications. 5. Topic Areas.
* Authors should indicate at the bottom of each paper up to five
keywords specifying the most important topics or content of the
paper. Keywords will be used to assist in reviewing and streaming of papers.
Abstracts and papers that do not conform to the format guidelines stated
above may be returned to the author without being evaluated. A short
abstract, intended for publication in the conference Booklet of Abstracts,
will be requested from all authors of accepted papers. Specific
instructions for the transmittal of this abstract will be included in the
acceptance letters. It is important that these instructions, including the
stated deadlines, be observed to facilitate creation of the final
conference program.
3. Symposia Sessions
Organized symposia sessions typically involve more than one scholar and are
expected to make a distinctive and creative contribution to the meeting.
Symposia will consist of a set of integrated spoken papers related to a
theme and will be allotted either a 90-minute or 2 hour time slot,
typically consisting of three to four 25-minute papers followed by a
discussion (although alternative formats will be considered). Proposals
for organized sessions are not reviewed anonymously. These sessions may be:
* symposia that include several presentations on a single topic
* workshops focused on a specific theme or issue
* tutorials that give intensive instruction in some subfield of music
perception and cognition or a related field
* colloquia that include a major presentation with one or more invited
* sessions of any other kind with a clear, specific, and coherent
The session organizer(s) must supply all information requested on the
Submission Form, available from the conference web site. In addition, the
organizer(s) must submit the following supporting materials:
* A detailed proposal (typically 2-5 pages), including:
* a 250 to 500 word general description of the organized session
that includes the purpose, motivation, length (1=BD to 2 hours), and
justification for the session for publication in the Conference Proceedings
* the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all participants;
including discussants, if applicable
* a complete account, including timetable, of each participants
role in the symposium
* a 250 to 500 word structured abstracts for each participants
presentation; also, for publication in the Conference Proceedings
* The Program Committee reserves the right to select from the proposed
participants and discussants.
* All symposium participants must have agreed to attend the conference
and participate in the session prior to submission of the proposal.
Funding. The Program Committee does not have funds for organized sessions.
If special funds are required, it is the responsibility of the symposium
organizer(s) to seek and obtain them. When submitting the proposal to the
Program Committee, the organizer(s) should state whether or not special
funds are necessary. If so, the funding source should be identified, with
an indication of what alternatives will be pursued if special funds fail to
General Requirements
* After a structured abstract or four-page paper has been submitted, no
changes of author, affiliation, title, or wording of the abstract, other
than those due to typographical errors, are permitted.
* Papers must be delivered as projected in the abstract or represent
bona fide developments of the same research.
* Handouts, if any, are not to be submitted with abstracts, but should
be available at the meeting for those attending the presentation.
* Spoken papers, posters, conference proceedings and publications will
be in English.
* All presenters are required to register for the conference.
Refereeing and the Conference Publication
Submissions for paper presentations (both structured abstract and full
paper submissions), poster presentations, and demonstrations will be
blind-reviewed by members of the ICMPC8 Scientific Committee assisted by
the Scientific Advisory Board. Proposals for organized sessions are not
reviewed anonymously.
Accepted submissions will be published in the Conference Proceedings. In
an effort to keep costs manageable and for ease of distribution, the
Conference Proceedings will be produced as a CD-ROM, complete with
ISBN. Details of the procedure and format for submitting final papers will
be provided when authors receive notification of acceptance. All
registered attendees will receive one copy of the CD-ROM Proceedings and
may purchase additional copies for a nominal fee.
Structured Abstracts and Four-Page Paper submissions for ICMPC8 must be
received by December 1, 2003. Notification of acceptance will be made by
January 15, 2004 and revised and final papers for inclusion in the
Proceedings will be due March 31, 2003.
Where to Send Submissions
Authors with internet access are strongly encouraged to send submissions
via electronic mail to: lipscomb@northwestern.edu, stating "ICMPC8
submission" in the "Subject" field. To facilitate the review process,
submissions should be in one of the following document formats: rich text
format (RTF), Microsoft Word (DOC), or Adobe Acrobat (PDF). If it is not
possible to submit electronic versions of the documents, hard copies can be
sent via postal service or FAX to:
Scott Lipscomb, ICMPC8
Northwestern University School of Music
711 Elgin Road
Evanston, IL 60208 USA
FAX: (847) 491-5260
------- End of Forwarded Message