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Re: Bite-induced pitch shift?

A paper by Levine on this subject was published in the Proceedings of
the Seventh International Tinnitus Seminar (2002), the second edition
of which is now available from http://www.auditory.uwa.edu.au/


Greg O'Beirne <gobeirne@cyllene.uwa.edu.au>
The Auditory Laboratory
University of Western Australia

> Robert Levine at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary has noticed
> that some of his patients can change, cease or initiate tinnitus with
> jaw or neck movements.  One theory on this may be that the Dorsal
> Cochlear Nucleus is getting stimulated and is somehow communicating with
> the Olivo-Cochlear Bundle and sending (or inteurrupting) effernet
> signals to the cochlea via the outer hair cells.  If the theory holds
> that part of our ability to hone in on frequency estimation, and
> therefore pitch, is related to this Olivo-Cochlear feedback loop, then
> pitch shifts with massiter muscle contraction doesn't seem that far
> fetched.