For high-frequency cutofs in mammals, take a look at:
Heffner RS, Koay G, Heffner HE.
Audiograms of five species of rodents: implications for the evolution of
hearing and the perception of pitch. Hear Res 2001 Jul;157(1-2):138-52
You can find quite a bit of bird audiogram data in:
Dooling, RJ Hearing in Birds in The Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, DB
Webster, RR Fay and AN Popper eds. 1992 Springer-Verlag, New York pp
David C. Mountain, Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Boston University
44 Cummington St.
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: (617) 353-4343
FAX: (617) 353-6766
Office: ERB 413
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Chen-gia TSAI wrote:
> Dear list,
> Masterton et al. (1968) pointed out that high-frequency hearing is a
characteristic unique to mammals.
> I wonder if I can find updated data about the cut-off frequency of
mammals and non-mammals' hearing.
> Masterton B, Heffner H, and Ravizza R (1969). The evolution of
high-frequency hearing, JASA 45: 966-985.
> Chen-Gia Tsai