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L e c t u r e s h i p s in L a n g u a g e, S p e e c h and A I at S h e f f i e l d
*** Apologies for multiple postings ***
The Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK, invites
applications for 1 Senior Lectureship & 3 lectureships. Research interests in
this department include
* Natural Language Processing (Yorick Wilks, Rob Gaizauskas, Mark Hepple, Jim
* Speech and Hearing (Guy Brown, Martin Cooke, Phil Green, Steve Renals)
* Machine Learning (Maheshan Niranjan)
* Neural Nets & Robotics (Noel Sharkey, Amanda Sharkey)
For the full ad, see
Dr Phil Green
Speech and Hearing Research Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court
211 Portobello St.,
Sheffield S1 4DP
phone: (44) 114 22 21828
fax: (44) 114 22 21810
email: p.green@dcs.shef.ac.uk
www: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/P.Green/