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CFP: Neural Mechanisms of Music Processing
Final notice. We didn't put a deadline on the original call for
proposals. We have lots of good participants, but we don't want to
leave anybody out. This is the final notice. Please submit your
ideas by September 30, 1999.
Hopefully this will be interesting to some of you. This is the call
for participants for a NIPS workshop on "Neural Mechanisms of Music
-- Malcolm
Neural Mechanisms of Music Processing
Workshop at NIPS*99
December 3 and 4, 1999, Breckenridge, CO
Proposals due by September 30, 1999
URL: http://bach.ece.jhu.edu/nips99/
The term "music" covers a large variety of signals, from the simple
to the complex. It is easy to choose stimuli to study a particular
phenomenon, be it pitch detection, harmonic analysis, sequence
prediction, or spatial location. However, mixtures of time-varying
harmonics, intertwining sequences, resonances and spatial reflections
easily make music as complex and difficult to analyze as speech. What
makes music especially interesting is the ability to control the
complexity of data, allowing independent control over a variety of
parameters which are not possible to separate in speech.
Reasonably, one may assume that the human brain did not develop
different mechanisms for dealing with speech as opposed to music, or
other natural sounds. Thus, research on the response of the auditory
cortex to music should yield valuable insights on speech processing
in the brain. The ever-increasing body of neurophysiological data on
the mammalian auditory system will pave the way for a solid
understanding of these mechanisms and the creation of accurate models
to describe them.
Call for Participation
We are soliciting participants for the NIPS Neural Mechanisms of
Music Processing Workshop. Please send a one-paragraph description of
your interests to:
Based on these submissions, we will select a small number of speakers,
a number of panel members for discussions, and demonstrations. Our
goal is to create a stimulating environment for a scientific
discussion of the neural mechanisms of music processing.
This workshop will concentrate on several key issues which are
currently prominent in acoustics research. In particular, the intent
of the workshop is to bring together areas of research which appear
to be strongly related to the problem of music processing and to each
other. We are especially interested in participants that can
contribute in the following areas:
Music Perception and Analysis
Perceptual Attributes (i.e., pitch, rhythm, and timbre)
Neural Basis of Audition
Psychoacoustics of Music
Auditory Modeling
Interesting Representations (i.e., ICA)
Neural Control Mechanisms
Workshop Format
This will be a two-day workshop, combining talks, organized
discussions, and demonstrations of models and simulations. NIPS is
the premiere conference on neurophysiological mechanisms, machine
learning, and applied statistics. The workshops, held at Breckenridge
Ski Resort, combine wonderful science and skiing in an informal
R. Timothy Edwards
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Laurel, MD
email: tim@stravinsky.jhuapl.edu
Shihab A. Shamma
University of Maryland at College Park
College Park, MD
email: sas@glue.umd.edu
Malcolm Slaney
Interval Research
Palo Alto, CA
email: malcolm@interval.com
End of AUDITORY Digest - 20 Aug 1999 to 23 Aug 1999 (#1999-115)