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Re: Definition of masking


How about this?

 "A sound is said to be masked when it is no longer audible due to the
presence of one or more other sounds.  In everyday language, the sound is
'drowned out' by the other sound(s)."

- Al


On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Chris Plack wrote:

> I was wondering....
> "Masking" is defined by the ASA as both a "process" and an "amount":
> "The amount by which the threshold of audibility of a sound is raised by
> another  sound."
> I may be missing something here, but can anyone provide a (sensible)
> sentence in which "masking" is used according to the latter definition?
> I don't think "20 dB of masking" counts - isn't this like saying "20 miles
> of driving"?
> Cheers, Chris
> ********************************************************
>        Chris Plack - psychoacoustician, pop star
>      Department of Psychology, University of Essex,
>         Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK.
>                Tel: (01206) 873493
>                Fax: (01206) 873590
>         http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~cplack/
> ********************************************************