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Re: Cepstrum computation
"Argiris A. Kranidiotis" wrote:
> Incredible. I couldn't imagine that the "quick & dirty" way
> ie log(x+epsilon) was the proper way to compute the cepstrum.
> Amused. :-O
You cannot compute the cepstrum of a signal that has no DC term, as
that would be a zero at f=0, or of a narrow band signal.
> --
> ____________________________ __________________________________
> / /\ / /\
> / Argiris A. Kranidiotis _/ /\ / University Of Athens _/ /\
> / Doctoral student (Ph.D.) / \/ / Informatics Department / \/
> / in Computer Science /\ / http://www.di.uoa.gr/~akra /\
> /___________________________/ / /_________________________________/ /
> \___________________________\/ \_________________________________\/
> \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Jont B. Allen
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