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Re: identification test procedure

Bill Martens's insightful note suggests an experiment different from what
Jim Beauchamp originally proposed. Indeed, asking the suvjects  to pick out
the "real" piano out of a number of candidates would provide more
information than chosing which one of two alternatives it was. However,
instead of Neil McMillan or Doug Creelman (who don't seem to be actively
participating in the List's discussions these days), I would venture
pointing out that (as they have shown) identification and discrimination
can be regarded as esentially identical processes.

Pierre Divenyi
Pierre L. Divenyi
Experimental Audiology Research
V.A. Medical Center
Martinez, CA 94553
Phone: (925) 370-6745
FAX:    (925) 228-5738
e-mail:  pdivenyi@marva4.ebire.org

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