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Re: rock music

The tendency to play ahead of the beat in jazz usually confines itself
to the drummer, a bassist will often be playing behind the beat, as Keil
and Progler have termed "participatory discrepancies". More generally,
the effect can be termed expressive timing, and when used to create an
accent, agogic accentuation. This appears in just about any performed
music, popular or otherwise, intended or not.

The problem with psychosocial studies of popular music and social
behaviour is similar to the issues I encountered working in Road
accident research - one of exposure. Young people figure highly in road
accidents typically at night due to a higher proportion of them driving
at that time (at least in Australia where it is very common for young
people to own a car), but it is difficult to determine the
overrepresentation of the age groups. Likewise, the social setting rock
music is typically presented in (clubs with alcohol) is a pretty
conducive environment to 1)  meet people 2) get drunk 3) dance 4) get
laid or get in a fight... Of course the fact that it is nigh on
impossible to actually talk or hear people in the club also helps that

  author =       "Richard Ashley",
  title =        "Aspects of Expressive Timing in Jazz Ballad Performance",
  pages =        "485--90",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
                  on Music Perception and Cognition",
  year =         1996,
  organization = "Faculty of Music, McGill University",
  address =      "Montreal, Quebec"

  author =       {Joseph A. Pr\"{o}gler},
  title =        "Searching for Swing: Participatory Discrepencies in
                  the Jazz Rhythm Section",
  journal =      "Ethnomusicology",
  year =         1995,
  volume =       39,
  number =       1,
  pages =        "21--54"

  author =       "Charles Keil",
  title =        "Motion and Feeling Through Music",
  journal =      "The Journal Of Aesthetics And Art Criticism",
  year =         1966,
  volume =       24,
  number =       3,
  pages =        "337--49"

Off the top of my head, see also Neil's work and Bruno Repp's and Eric
Leigh                 Computer Music Lab, Computer Science Dept,
Smith                 University of Western Australia
                      +61-8-9380-2279 leigh@cs.uwa.edu.au (NeXTMail/MIME)
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