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dear list

It just so happens that i've recently marked an undergraduate
project on links between musical preference and socially deviant
behaviour. The following references may possibly be of relevance.

Arnett et al (1991) Heavy metal music and reckless behaviour.
J. Youth and Adolescence 20, 573-592.

Barongan et al (1995) The influence of misogynous rap music on
sexual aggression against women. Psychology of Women Quaterly
19, 195-207.

Cattell et al (1954) Musical preferences and personality. Journal of
Social Psychology 39, 3-24.

Hansen et al (1990) Rock muisc videos and antosocial behaviour. Basic
and Applied Social Psychology 11, 357-369.

King (1988) Heavy metal music and drug abuse. Postgraduate Medicine 83,

Lawrence et al (1991) The effects of sexually violent rock music.
Psychology of Women Quaterly 15, 49-63.

Robinson et al (1996) Exploring the relationship between personality
and the appreciation of rock muisc. Psychological Reports 78, 259-269.

Strouse et (!995) Gender anf familiy as moderators of the relationship
between music video exposure and adolescent sexual permissiveness.
Adolescence 30, 505-519

Took et al (1994) The relationship between heavy metal and rap music
and adolescent turmoil. Adolescence 29, 613-621.

Wass et al (1988) Adolescent's interests in and views of destructive
themes inrock music. Omega 19, 177-186.

>Date:          Tue, 2 Jun 1998 09:41:44 PDT
>Reply-to:      Dan Ellis <dpwe@ICSI.BERKELEY.EDU>
>From:          Dan Ellis <dpwe@ICSI.BERKELEY.EDU>
>Subject:       ATOM BIGGS: ROCK MUSIC
>Dear List -
>Do any of you know of actual research relevant to this question?
>  DAn.
>------- Forwarded Message
>From: "ATOM BIGGS" <forbiggs@email.msn.com>
>To: <dpwe@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
>Subject: ROCK MUSIC
>Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 21:03:51 -0700
>Dan Ellis:
>Dr. Al Bregman said you might be able to help me, or at least send out a
>post on your "auditory" e-mail list.  I'm involved in a discussion over
>the topic of "rock music".  It's being said that the syncopated beats of
>rock music create physiological desires for sex and violence which
>completely offsets any altruistic message that a rock song might
>contain.  Does this reasoning have any credence whatsoever?  My
>understanding is that, apart from the lyrics, music's effect on thoughts
>and moods vary greatly from person to person and culture to culture.
>What is your insight on this?  Do you know of any related research?
>atom biggs    forbiggs@mail.wsu.edu
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