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Re: Vibrato


You might try Eric Prame at KTH in Stockholm. I'm not sure about emotional
but I know that Eric has done a lot of work on vibrato in the last few years.

Can't remember his email off hand, but Johan Sundberg's is pjohan@speech.kth.se.



>Date:          Thu, 9 Apr 1998 11:05:25 -0400
>Reply-to:      David Huron - Conrad Grebel <dhuron@WATSERV1.UWATERLOO.CA>
>From:          David Huron - Conrad Grebel <dhuron@WATSERV1.UWATERLOO.CA>
>Subject:       Vibrato
>X-To:          auditory@vm1.mcgill.ca
>To:            Multiple recipients of list AUDITORY <AUDITORY@VM1.MCGILL.CA>
>I have a graduate student who wants to carry out some experimental
>work related to emotional connotations evoked by various types of vibrato
>(speed, depth, onset-delay, etc.)  Our preliminary literature search has not
>produced the sort of background literature we need to get started (apart
>from the old work by Seashore).  Does anyone know of some classic papers
>that might get our literature review jump-started?
>   ___________________________________________________________________
>  |  David Huron, PhD                        1866 College Road        |
>  |  Professor                               Ohio State University    |
>  |  School of Music  &                      Columbus, OH             |
>  |  Center for Cognitive Science            U.S.A.    43210          |
>  |  Tel. (614) 688-4753                     Fax. (614) 292-1102      |
>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~