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Here's a reference to a pitch shift (not just an octave jump) with phase:
Plomp, R. (1967), "Beats of mistuned consonances", JASA 42, 462-474.
Plomp found that the pitch of the higher component of a 1:3 complex
depended on phase. The higher component was 600 Hz, and it was matched by
tones of 600 to 750 Hz according to phase. If I remember right, the higher
component had to be weaker than the lower one.
I suggested an explanation based on autocorrelation of spike discharge
probability in de Cheveigne, A. (1985). "Phase sensitivity and pitch
shifts: the behavior of three temporal pitch models.", Proc. Acoust. Soc.
Japan Automn meeting, 277-278.
Alain de Cheveigne'
Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, CNRS / Universite' Paris 7,
case 7003, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris CEDEX 05, FRANCE.
phone: +33 1 44273633, fax: +33 1 44277919
e-mail: alain@linguist.jussieu.fr