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Research Professorship in Auditory Cognition (Macarthur Auditory Cognition Laboratory)
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(Apologies for multiple postings)
Macarthur Auditory Cognition Laboratory (MACL)
University of Western Sydney, Macarthur
Sydney NSW Australia
Ref No. A98/03
An outstanding researcher with an international reputation in
auditory cognition is sought to lead and direct the newly-
established Macarthur Auditory Cognition Laboratory (MACL)
within the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social
MACL is one of three Macarthur Programs which have been created as
Research Centres of the highest international standards.
MACL is an inter-disciplinary team of established and early career
researchers from experimental psychology, cognitive science,
psycholinguistics, and computer science. Current projects
associated with MACL include experimental studies of speech and
music cognition; development and evaluation of artificial neural
network models of auditory perception and cognition; studies of
episodic memory for music. Applied projects are being developed
and these will complement the pure research which is the foundation
of the Laboratory.
The appointee will be located at the Bankstown campus (25km from
central Sydney) and will be committed to the development of MACL
and the building of an international reputation for UWSM and MACL
in the field of experimental and computational psychology.
Researchers with expertise that complements our current
projects, in areas such as speech and language, are encouraged
to apply.
Applicants will be leading international researchers in auditory
cognition with:
* extensive and highly cited publications in leading academic journals;
* invited keynote addresses at leading international conferences;
* established history of large funded research grants from highly
competitive agencies, including collaborative projects and links
with industry;
* evidence of research leadership, Ph.D. supervision, and management
of large-scale research programs;
* demonstrated academic administration, management, leadership and
communication skills.
An attractive salary package will be negotiated for up to 5 years (with
the possibility of a secondment for a shorter period) at which time
a further contract may be offered.
Dr Kate Stevens, Co-Ordinator, MACL
Tel: (+612) 9772 6324; Fax: (+612) 9772 6584
E-mail: kj.stevens@uws.edu.au
PLEASE NOTE: Kate Stevens will be away from 10/1/98 - 26/1/98 - E-mail
and phone enquiries will be answered AFTER JANUARY 26.
Professor Jim McKnight, Head, Department of Psychology
Tel: (+612) 9772 6593; Fax: (+612) 9772 6584;
E-mail: j.mcknight@uws.edu.au.
URL: http://www.macarthur.uws.edu.au/
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Selection will be based on merit, women are encouraged to apply.
Your application, quoting the reference number should be sent to:
The Recuitment Office
University of Western Sudney, Macarthur
PO Box 555, Campbelltown, NSW 2560, Australia
(E-mail: m.meade@uws.edu.au) and should include a letter addressing
the selection criteria, a full curriculum viate, and email
addresses of 3 confidential referees.
Applications close February 27, 1998.
Dr Kate Stevens
Department of Psychology, FASS 4B
University of Western Sydney, Macarthur
PO Box 555, Campbelltown NSW 2560 Australia
Phone: (+612) 9772 6324; Fax: (+612) 9772 6584
Email: kj.stevens@uws.edu.au
WWW: http://psy.uq.edu.au/CogPsych/Noetica/