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New Book on Music, Gestalt, and Computing
<nofill>Dear List,
I thought this information might be interesting for auditory research as
this book contains a number of papers that deal with this topic from
a musicological point of view.
Thanks for your interest,
Marc Leman
Book Announcement:
More information is available at http://next.rug.ac.be/book/title.html
Title: =20
Music, Gestalt, and Computing--
Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology
Marc Leman (Email: Marc.Leman@rug.ac.be)
Springer-Verlag, 1997, pp. 524
98 DM
This book presents a coherent state-of-the-art survey on the area of
systematic and cognitive musicology which has enjoyed dynamic growth now
for many years. It is devoted to exploring the relationships between
acoustics, human information processing, and culture, as well as to
methodological issues raised by the widespread use of computers as
powerful tools for theory construction, theory testing, and the
manipulation of musical information or any kind of data manipulation
related to music.
This book comes with a CD providing sound examples for various chapters;
it contains introductory survey contributions also accessible to the
non-expert reader, a comprehensive name and subject index and the
following technical chapters: 1. Gestalt theory revisited, 2. from pitch
to harmony, 3. from rhythm to expectation, 4. from timbre to texture, 5.
from musical expression to interactive computer systems.
Most of the contributions included are thoroughly revised and reviewed
versions of papers presented during the Joint International Conference on
Cognitive and Systematic Musicology, held in Brugge, Belgium in September
List of Contents:
I. Gestalt Theory Revisited=20
-Origin and Nature of Cognitive and Systematic Musicology: An Introduction =20=
Marc Leman and Albrecht Schneider =20
-Systematic, Cognitive and Historical Approaches in Musicology
Jukka Louhivuori =20
</nofill>-Empiricism, Gestalt Qualities, and Determination of Style: Some =
Concerning the Relationship of Guido Adler to Richard Wallaschek, Alexius
Meinong, Christian von Ehrenfels, and Robert Lach =20
Michael Weber =20
-Gestalt Concepts and Music: Limitations and Possibilities =20
Mark Reybrouck =20
</nofill>-Logic, Gestalt Theory, and Neural Computation in Research on =
Perceptual Organization =20
Randolph Eichert, Lüder Schmidt, and Uwe Seifert =20
-Knowledge in Music Theory by Shapes of Musical Objects and
Sound-Producing Actions =20
Rolf Inge God{\oy =20
-Statistical Gestalts - Perceptible Features in Serial Music=20
Elena Ungeheuer =20
II. =46rom Pitch to Harmony=20
-``Verschmelzung'', Tonal Fusion, and Consonance: Carl Stumpf Revisited =20
Albrecht Schneider =20
</nofill>-Schema and Gestalt: Testing the Hypothesis of Psychoneural =
Isomorphism by
Computer Simulation =20
Marc Leman and Francesco Carreras =20
-Self-organizing Neural Nets and the Perceptual Origin of the Circle of =
Fifths =20
Nicola Cufaro Petroni and Matteo Tricarico =20
-A Model of the Perceptual Root(s) of a Chord =20
Accounting for Voicing and Prevailing Tonality =20
Richard Parncutt =20
</nofill>-`Good', `Fair', and `Bad' Chord Progressions: A =
Regression-Analysis of
Some Psychological Chord Progression Data Obtained in an Experiment by J.
Bharucha and C. Krumhansl =20
Daniel Werts =20
-Problems of Shape and Background in Sounds with =20
Inharmonic Spectra =20
Jenö Keuler =20
-A Method of Analysing Harmony, Based on Interval Patterns or ``Gestalten'' =
Roland Eberlein =20
-Neural Network Models for the Study of Post-Tonal Music =20
Eric Isaacson =20
III. =46rom Rhythm to Expectation =20
-Tempo Relations: Is There a Psychological Basis for Proportional Tempo =
Theory? =20
Marek Franek and Jiri Mates =20
-A Framework for the Subsymbolic Description of Meter =20
Dirk Moelants =20
-Musical Rhythm: A Formal Model for Determining =20
Local Boundaries, Accents and Metre in a Melodic Surface =20
Emilios Cambouropoulos =20
-Effects of Perceptual Organization and Musical Form on Melodic =
Expectancies =20
Carol Krumhansl =20
</nofill>-Continuations as Completions: Studying Melodic Expectation in the
Creative Microdomain: Seek Well =20
Steve Larson =20
IV. =46rom Timbre to Texture
-Optimizing Self-Organizing Timbre Maps: Two Approaches =20
Petri Toiviainen =20
-Towards a More General Understanding of the Nasality Phenomenon =20
Milan Rusko =20
</nofill>-Karl Erich Schumann's Principles of Timbre as a Helpful Tool in =
Segregation Research =20
Christoph Reuter =20
-Cross-Synthesis Using Interverted Principal Harmonic Sub-Spaces =20
Thierry Rochebois and Gérard Charbonneau =20
-Gestalt Phenomena in Musical Texture =20
Dalia Cohen and Shlomo Dubnov =20
V. =46rom Musical Expression to Interactive Computer Systems
-Technology of Interpretation and Expressive Pulses =20
Andranick Tanguiane =20
-Intonational Protention in the Performance of Melodic Octaves on the =
Violin =20
Janina Fyk =20
-Sonological Analysis of Clarinet Expressivity =20
Sergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli,Stefano Rinaldin and Alvise Vidolin =20=
</nofill>-Perceptual Analysis of the Musical Expressive Intention in a =
Performance =20
Sergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli and Alvise Vidolin =20
-Singing, Mind and Brain -- Unit Pulse, Rhythm, Emotion and Expression =20
Eliezer Rapoport =20
</nofill>-Emulating Gestalt Mechanisms by Combining Symbolic and =
Information Processing Procedures =20
Udo Mattusch =20
-Interactive Computer Music Systems and Concepts of Gestalt =20
Paul Modler =20
-Gestalt-based Composition and Performance
in Multimodal Environments =20
Antonio Camurri and Marc Leman =20
VI. List of Sound Examples
-Author Index
-Subject Index