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Senior Researcher for Auditory Cognition Lab

Dear List -

I was sent the enclosed announcement for distribution to the list
by Kate Stevens of the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur.


------- Forwarded Message
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 18:45:24 +1000
From: kj.stevens@uws.edu.au (Kate Stevens)
Subject: Senior Researcher for Auditory Cognition Lab

Please Distribute -

            Call for Expressions of Interest

            SENIOR RESEARCH LEADER for the
       Macarthur AUDITORY COGNITION Laboratory

               Department of Psychology
       University of Western Sydney, Macarthur
              New South Wales, Australia

        The Macarthur Program is an initiative of the
University of Western Sydney, Macarthur to enhance its
research profile by providing significant funding for three
to five years to research teams which reflect excellence,
innovation, and productivity.  The Macarthur Auditory
Cognition Laboratory (MACL) has been one of four
research groups to be short-listed as possible Macarthur
Programs.  Final applications will be submitted in
November of this year and, if successful, funding will be
available from January 1, 1998.

        One condition of further funding is to recruit a
suitable academic leader to the MACL team.  At present,
MACL is a small but productive group of researchers led
by Dr Kate Stevens, a lecturer in the Department of
Psychology.  We seek expressions of interest from senior
researchers with expertise in the area of auditory cognition
who may be interested in leading MACL over the next 3
years.  This is an exciting opportunity to be involved with
a fresh, enthusiastic research team and we hope that it will
appeal to expert researchers seeking a new environment
and focus for a period of time.  The purpose in calling for
expressions of interest is to demonstrate that there are
suitably qualified senior researchers interested in leading
or being involved with MACL.  If funding is forthcoming
the position would be advertised in early 1998 at Level D
Academic (Associate Professor/Reader) or above.

        Further details can be obtained by contacting Kate
Stevens (kj.stevens@uws.edu.au) or James Walsh, UWSM
Director of Research (j.walsh@uws.edu.au).  The closing date
for expressions of interest is Monday October 20, 1997.  They can be
forwarded as an e-mail attachment (Word for Macintosh
or Rich Text Format); in the body of an email message; or
as hard copy.


        Relative to the extensive amount of experimental and
psychological research into the structure and processes of
visual perception and cognition, far less attention has
been dedicated to the processing of auditory information.
The research focus of MACL is on the processes which
mediate perception and cognition of auditory patterns and
events such as short-term auditory memory and
recognition of speech and music.  The Laboratory brings
together experienced researchers from experimental
psychology and cognitive science, psycholinguistics, and
computer science.  The research has immediate theoretical
implications and realisable applications in voice and
speech recognition systems for security and
communication purposes, multimedia and instrument
design, and possible clinical applications.  There are
currently eight researchers in the Cognition Laboratory
and three external research associates working on a range
of projects.

        Our mission is to conduct and disseminate first class
basic research into human auditory cognition; to train quality
researchers  in experimental cognitive psychology; to build an
international reputation for UWSM and MACL in the
field of experimental and computational psychology.
Applied research will complement the pure research
which is the foundation of the laboratory.  MACL will be
predominantly self-funding within three to five years.


        The University of Western Sydney, Macarthur began
operation in 1989 and is one member of a federated
network comprising UWS Hawkesbury, UWS Macarthur,
and UWS Nepean.  UWS Macarthur itself has two
campuses one at Campbelltown and one at Bankstown,
and a new centre in Liverpool.  In 1996 there were 8729
students enrolled at UWS Macarthur.  Courses offered at
UWSM are drawn from the Faculties of Arts and Social
Sciences; Business and Technology; Education; Health and
Law.  Bankstown campus (where the Department of
Psychology is located) is approximately 24 km from the
Sydney central business district.  Visit the UWSM web site
for more information: http://www.macarthur.uws.edu.au/


1.      CV including qualifications; academic history;
        current appointment and conditions; publications;
        research interests;
2.      Ideas and vision for the development of MACL as a
        leading research laboratory;
3.      Time when appointment could be taken up;
4.      Preferred appointment arrangements. For example: i)
        short-term appointment for 1 year (by taking leave
        without pay from current institution); ii) longer
        appointment (3 years) but still on leave from current
        institution; iii) ongoing appointment to MACL.


Dr Kate Stevens
Department of Psychology/4B
UWS Macarthur
PO Box 555, Campbelltown, NSW, 2560, Australia
E-mail: kj.stevens@uws.edu.au
Phone:  (+612) 9772 6324
Fax:     (+612) 9772 6584

Mr James Walsh
Director, Research Office
UWS Macarthur
PO Box 555, Campbelltown, NSW, 2560, Australia
E-mail: j.walsh@uws.edu.au
Phone:  (+612) 4620 3587
Fax:     (+612) 4627 2406

Dr Kate Stevens
Department of Psychology, FASS 4B
University of Western Sydney, Macarthur
PO Box 555, Campbelltown NSW 2560 Australia

Phone: (+612) 9772 6324;  Fax:   (+612) 9772 6584
Email: kj.stevens@uws.edu.au
WWW:   http://psy.uq.edu.au/CogPsych/Noetica/

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