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Larry Feth: Non-technical introductory acoustics courses
Dear List -
Larry Feth asked me to forward the enclosed announcement to the list.
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Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 16:33:56 -0400
To: Dan Ellis <dpwe@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
From: feth.1@osu.edu (Larry Feth)
I am interested in communicating with anyone who teaches or is
responsible for supervising those who teach (i.e., TAs) an
introductory, undergraduate course in acoustics designed for the
non-physics or engineering major. For example, I teach a sophomore
level course designed for speech and hearing majors using the text
written by Charlie Speaks (at Minnesota). I am developing some
instructional aids for use in lectures and labs and I would like to
confer with others teaching similar courses. I assume music,
psychology, zoology (animal communications) and medical diagnostic
ultrasound courses might fit the "profile." Specifically, I am
looking for "beta test sites" for the demo software when we have it
ready. Please contact me at: feth.1@osu.edu or 614-292-1643 (phone).
Please do not post replies to this list, since I will not see them.
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