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SMPC Call for Abstracts: Deadline extended to April 16
2nd Call for Abstracts and Tutorial Proposals: Society for Music
Perception and Cognition
MIT Media Lab, July 31-August 3, 1997
www: http://sound.media.mit.edu/smpc/
email: smpc@media.mit.edu
New abstract deadline: April 16, 1997
Notifications for abstracts submitted by April 1: May 1, 1997
Notifications for abstracts submitted after April 1: May 16, 1997
The Society of Music Perception and Cognition invites you to submit an
abstract for unpublished papers in the following or related topic
areas in
both Western and Non-Western traditions:
* acoustics and psychoacoustics
* pitch and structure
* perception and cognition of melody, harmony, rhythm, and meter
* learning and memory
* music and neuropsychology
* emotion and meaning in music
* expression encoding
* philosophy and aesthetics
* performance and improvisation studies
* machine models of performance
* computational applications of music perception/cognition
The Society also invites tutorial sessions on key topics.
Single page abstracts on any of the above or related topics for
and proposals for tutorials should be sent to:
Connie Van Rheenen, SMPC Conference Registrar
MIT Media Laboratory, Room E15-486
20 Ames Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
cvr@media.mit.edu or smpc@media.mit.edu
Expected length of presentations is 20 minutes, including questions.
1. a hard copy of your abstract; and
2. a printed list of your equipment needs
3. either:
1. a diskette containing the formatted abstract; or
2. an e-mail copy of your abstract based on the following form
Further formatting specifications for the hard copy:
* Microsoft Word or Word Perfect diskette (preferably Microsoft
* one single-spaced page, with one inch margins at top, bottom,
and left
* one blank line between paragraphs, no paragraph indenting
* text in Times New Roman font, as follows:
o title, in 16 point bold, on 1 or 2 lines
o blank line
o name, in 12 point bold
o blank line
o affiliations, mail address, telephone, e-mail, in 10 point
o blank line
o text, in 10 point plain
Please see the SMPC web page at http://sound.media.mit.edu/smpc/
for further conference details.