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      Call for Papers, Call for Videos, Call for Panel Proposals
       Call for Tutorial Proposals, Call for Workshop Proposals
               Call for Nominations for IJCAI-97 Awards
                                * * *
                       RoboCup and Computer GO
                                * * *
          Questionnaire for Potential Authors and Delegates

Fifteenth International Joint Conference on          August 23-29 1997
Artificial Intelligence                                  Nagoya, Japan

             The complete information is avaliable under
                  WWW:    http://ijcai.org/ijcai-97/
                  Email:  info@ijcai.org


The 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI-97), the premiere international conference on all aspects of
artificial intelligence, invites submissions of technical papers and
videotapes, proposals for panels, tutorials, and workshops, and
nominations for awards.  Prior to submissions, potential contributors
must obtain a copy of THE COMPLETE CALLS, either from the IJCAI-97
home page:
or by sending email to
or by writing to
        PROCOM International, Shuwa Kioicho Park Bldg.,
        3-6 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102 JAPAN.
        Phone: +81-3-3234-2361.

CFP Brochure (8 pages) will be available in August.  Its copies will
be available on the information desk at AAAI-96, ECAI-96, PRICAI-96,
FLoC, and other AI-related conferences.  A copy of CFP brochure will
be mailed to the members of AAAI, SIGART, CSCSI, SCEIO, SMIA and TAAI,
and the subscribers of AI Communications.

Submission of papers on substantial, original, and previously
unpublished research in AI is invited.  A title page must received by
Jan. 21, 1997; electronic submission of the title page, through the
IJCAI-97 home page, is strongly preferred, but authors without access
to a web browser can mail a printed title page to the AAAI office, at
the address below.  All authors must send 6 copies of their printed
paper to the AAAI office, to arrive by Jan. 23, 1997.  Submissions
received after that date will be returned unopened.  Notification of
acceptance or rejection will be mailed by Mar. 28, 1997, and
camera-ready copy of accepted papers must be received by Apr. 28,
1997.  Papers (and printed title pages for those without web access)
should be sent to:

        IJCAI-97 Submissions
        c/o American Association for Artificial Intelligence
        445 Burgess Dr.,
        Menlo Park, CA 94025-3496, USA.

Program suggestions and inquiries should be sent to:

        Prof. Martha Pollack, IJCAI-97 Program Chair
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Pittsburgh
        Pittsburgh, PA  15260, USA.

IJCAI-97 will feature a video track, with tapes that demonstrate and
augment AI research results.  Video submissions must be received by
Jan. 6, 1997; notification will be sent by Mar. 10, 1997; and final
versions of videos are due Apr. 28, 1997.  Send video track
submissions to

        Prof. Toyoaki Nishida, IJCAI-97 Video Track Chair,
        Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
        8916-5, Takayama, Ikoma,
        Nara, 630-01 JAPAN.

Proposals for the panel, tutorial, and workshop programs are due Oct.
21, 1996.  Proposals for panels should be sent to

        Prof. Martha Pollack, Program Chair (address above).

Tutorial proposals should be sent to

        Prof. Bernhard Nebel, IJCAI-97 Tutorials Chair
        Institut f{\"u}r Informatik,
        Albert-Ludwigs-Universit{\"a}t Freiburg,
        Am Flughafen 17
        79110 Freiburg, GERMANY.

Workshop proposals should be sent, by electronic mail, to

        Dr. Mark Drummond, IJCAI-97 Workshops Chair
        TYECIN Systems, Inc.,
        4 Main Street,
        Los Altos, CA 94022 USA.

Information about the IJCAI Award for Research Excellence and the
IJCAI Computers and Thought Award is available on IJCAI's home page.
Nominations for these awards are due by Oct. 14, 1996, and should be
sent to

    Dr. C. Raymond Perrault, Chair of IJCAII Board of Trustees,
    Artificial Intelligence Center
    SRI International
    333 Ravenswood Ave.
    Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA.

[Related Events]

Two exciting, international competitions will be held in conjunction
with IJCAI-97: the First World Cup Robot Soccer Competition
(RoboCup-97) and the Third World Open Computer Go Championship.

For information about RoboCup-97, see
or send email to
        RoboCup@csl.sony. co.jp.

For information about the Computer Go tournament, send email to

        Dr. Michael Georgeff, IJCAI-97 Conference Chair,
        Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute,
        171 Latrobe St.,
        Melbourne, VIC 3000, AUSTRALIA.
        georgeff@aaii.oz.au (cc: deb@aaii.oz.au)

    Prof. Koichi Furukawa,
    Department of Media and Governance,
    Keio University,
    5322 Endo, Fujisawa,
    Kanagawa, 252 JAPAN.

IJCAI-97 is sponsored by the International Joint Conferences on
Artificial Intelligence Inc. (IJCAII) and the Japanese Society for
Artificial Intelligence (JSAI).

[Important Dates]
    Electronic Title Page Submission Due:        21st January 1997
    Paper submissions Due:                       23rd January 1997
    Video submissions Due:                        6th January 1997
    Awards Nominations Due:                      14th October 1996
    Panel, Tutorial, and Workshop Proposals Due: 21st October 1996


          Questionnaire for Potential Authors and Delegates

               This information is also available under

Since the conference will be held in Nagoya, Japan, we like to roughly
estimate how many papers will be submitted and how many people will
attend the conference.

For your information, a SAMPLE budget for attending the conference is:

        Accommodation  10,000yen x 6 days = 60,000yen
        Meal           17,500yen
        Transportation 30,000yen
        Conference     42,500yen (not decided yet)
        Total         150,000yen (US$1,500)  excluding airfare
                      US$ 1 = 100 yen,  English £ 1 = 170 yen
                      1 German Mark = 70 yen, 1 French Franc = 21 yen

Thanks for your cooperation.
Looking forward to meeting you at the conference!

Local Arrangements Chair
Koichi Furukawa


Please fill in the questionnaire and send it to the followings:

        Email: procom2@beehive.twics.com
        WWW:   http://ijcai.org/ijcai-97/questionnaire.html
        Fax:   +81-3-3234-4456
               PROCOM International
               Shuwa Kioicho Park Bldg.,
               3-6 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku,
               Tokyo, 102 JAPAN.

------------------------- cut here -------------------------
[ ] Mr.  [ ] Ms.  [ ] Dr.  [ ] Prof.



So I suggest the following possibilities (please check if the answer
is yes):

[ ] I may submit a paper to IJCAI-97.
    Topic areas (if already known): ______________________________

[ ] I may present a demonstration at IJCAI-97.
    Topic areas (if already known): ____________________

Do you wish to attend IJCAI-97?

    [ ] Yes, I may wish to attend IJCAI-97 as a delegate.

    [ ] I would most likely attend if the following issues were addressed:



------------------------- cut here -------------------------

Hiroshi "Gitchang" Okuno, Ph.D
IJCAI-97 Publicity Chair
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
3-1 Morinosato-Makamiya, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-01 JAPAN
Fax: +81-462-40-4708 (Office)
E-mail: okuno@nue.org
URL:    http://www.nue.org/people/okuno/okuno-e.html