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NOISE Responses summary

A week or so ago I posted the following query:

Does anyone know of any samples of different types of noise (e.g.
speech-shaped, babble, cafeteria, traffic) that have been digitised
and that could be downloaded via ftp?

Thanks to those who replied, here's a summary:

Andrew Simpson                      |
Phonetics and Linguistics           |  Tel. +44 171 380 7777 x5003
University College London           |  Fax  +44 171 383 0752
Wolfson House, 4 Stephenson Way     |  E-Mail: andrew@phon.ucl.ac.uk
London NW1 2HE                      |


bil@ccrma.Stanford.EDU (Bill Schottstaedt)


Factory noises, and if I remember right a lot of people talking at


-- Christophe Couvreur ----------------- couvreur@thor.fpms.ac.be --
   Faculte Polytechnique de Mons               Ph.  +32 65 374042
   Rue de Houdain 9, B-7000 Mons (Belgium)     FAX  +32 65 374500
------------------- http://thor.fpms.ac.be/couvreur/couvreur.html --

Have you tried the SPIB database at Rice? They have different types of
noise available by WWW and ftp.  Try



From: "Michael E. Deisher" <deisher@enws428.EAS.ASU.EDU>

You could try http://yamuna.eas.asu.edu/~deisher/enhancement.html

The page is still under construction and some functions don't work.
You CAN download the noise, though  --Mike


From: acoustic@i-2000.com

Check the Acoustical Society of America home page. I think you can
reach it through the american Inst of Ohysics, www.aip.org.
