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1994 ICMC schedule

I just received the following announcement of the 1994 International Computer
Music Conference from Wayne Siegel, the conference host.

Jim Beauchamp

September 12 - 17, 1994
Aarhus, Denmark
Final Announcement

Since the first conference in 1974, the annual International Computer Music
Conference has developed into the principal international forum for the
interchange of ideas in the field of computer music. The conference consists of
research presentations, hardware and software demonstrations, studio reports, a
trade exhibition and a wide variety of concerts. Recent conferences have been
held in Glasgow (1990), Montreal (1991), San Jose, California (1992) and Tokyo

Aarhus, Denmark 1994
ICMC 1994 will be held in Aarhus September 12 - 17. Aarhus offers the
advantages of a large city including theatre, opera, museums, restaurants,
shopping and a casino, all conveniently located within a relatively small area.
The Aarhus conference, the first in Europe since 1990, will be hosted by DIEM,
Denmark's national center of electroacoustic music. The entire conference will
be held in the heart of Aarhus in and around the beautiful Aarhus Concert Hall.
The facilities include an Orchestral Hall, a Chamber Music Hall and several
conference rooms. The Concert Hall also boasts the most wonderful foyer in
Denmark, with a bright, airy atmosphere, a cafe, several bars and a first class
restaurant. The main papers sessions will be held in the Festival Hall of the
Aarhus City Hall, directly across the street from the Concert Hall. Great care
has been taken to ensure that conference delegates can move easily between
their hotel and conference locations.

The Human Touch
The theme of the 1994 conference is "The Human Touch", highlighting live
performance and presenting new developments in the area of human-machine
interaction. The 1994 ICMC will present a wide range of outstanding soloists,
ensembles and orchestras performing with computers. Featured guest artist,
Michel Waisvisz from Holland, explores aspects of the human touch in his
exciting solo performances using "The Hands". The Cikada ensemble from Oslo and
the Athelas Chamber Orchestra from Copenhagen have both specialized in
repertoire for acoustic instruments combined with computers. The illustrious
Royal Danish Ballet will present an evening of computer music and ballet
including four world premieres. The Aarhus Symphony will perform new works for
symphony orchestra and computer. In addition to the performances of submitted
works selected by an international jury, the 1994 ICMC will premiere six new
commissioned works. There will be a total of 11 concerts including an outdoor
Fireworks Concert! A special-edition compact disc with selected works from the
ICMC 1994 concert programs will be distributed to all delegates.

Special Presentations
British composer Trevor Wishart, known for his extensive work with computers
and the human voice, will give the keynote speech and perform his own new work
for solo voice and computer. Miller Puckette from IRCAM in Paris, highly
regarded for his work in developing the graphic programming environment, MAX,
will present a special talk.

Leading computer music researchers from all over the world will meet to present
their latest research results during four full days of paper sessions,
demonstrations and poster sessions. Topic areas include Signal Processing,
Sound Synthesis, Analysis and Re-Synthesis, Physical Models, Composition
Systems, Music Workstations, Real-Time Systems, Interactive Performance
Systems, Performance Interfaces, Notation Systems, Music Theory and Analysis,
Music Education, Perception, Cognition and Psychoacoustics. Delegate fees
include a copy of the complete Conference Proceedings with written
documentation for all conference presentations.

A vendor exhibition showing products related to computer music including a
consignment booth with CD's, tapes and books will be open to delegates as well
as the general public in the foyer of the concert hall.
Pre-Conference Activities

Prior to the conference itself, four workshops will be held. Topics include:
Digital Signal Processing Tutorial (Perry Cook, Stanford University), The Kyma
Sound Specification Language (Carla Scaletti, University of Illinois), The
Aesthetics of Computer Music (Trevor Wishart) and Interacting with Latter-Day
Automata (George Lewis, Univ. of Calif. at San Diego).  See the call for
submissions or contact the ICMC 1994 secretariat for detailed information.
The colorful and impressive Aarhus Festival, one of the largest festivals in
Northern Europe, will be held September 2-11, immediately prior to the
conference. Following the conference, an excursion to the picturesque town of
Ebeltoft has been planned. Reservations can be made at the ICMC registration
desk during the conference.

Welcome to Aarhus!
ICMC Aarhus promises to be one of the most inspiring and spectacular
conferences yet. With emphasis on convenience for delegates, high standards of
music performance and comfortable conference facilities, we will do our best to
bring "the human touch" into focus. We look forward to welcoming conference
delegates to Aarhus in September.

Wayne Siegel, Chairman
ICMC 1994 Secretariat

For further information about the conference, vendors exhibition and
consignments please contact the ICMC 1994 secretariat:

      ICMC 1994
      Musikhuset Aarhus
      DK-8000 Aarhus C.
      Tel:    +45 8931 8171
      Fax:    +45 8931 8166
      Email:  ICMC94@daimi.aau.dk

I would like to add the following:

The actual paper session topics are:

3D Sound Simulation
Pitch, Timbre, and Loudness Perception
Performance Interfaces
Music Languages
Composition Systems & Workstations
Additive Synthesis
Music Graphics
Neural Networks
Physical Models -- Control Level
Composition Systems and Techniques
Foot Tapping
Aethetics, Philosophy and Criticism
Modeling Strings, Plates, and Horns
Music Analysis
Audio Signal Processing Techniques
Music Workstations
Genetic Algorithms
Interactive Performance Systems
Audio Analysis and Re-Synthesis
Re-synthesis of Human Voice
When Computers Listen
Composition Systems
Music Data Structures and Representations
Audio Signal Processing Techniques
New Instruments
Studio Reports

There will be 13 concerts of computer/electroacoustic music.

Registration for the conference is

        Dkk 2200 (ICMA members)
        Dkk 2900 (non members)
        Dkk 1200 (student ICMA members)
        Dkk 1600 (student non members)

The workshop fees are Dkk 275 (ICMA members) or Dkk 375 (non members).