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Those interested in a copy of the phase  vocoder can obtain  it
via anonymous ftp at ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu. It is part of a very
large unix package of CARL software. Some debugging was required to
get it to run on my system V, but I suspoect it may not be
necessary on system 4.x. A sun C and Fortran compiler are
recommended. It had real problems with the gnu compiler because
of library differences. Documentation is quite good. I have
not used it for time compression/expansion.

For a more recent version of pvoc, see F.R. Moore's book
The Elements of Comupter Music, 1990.
Mark Pitt
Department of Psychology
1885 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1222
voice: (614)292-4193
fax:   (614)292-5601