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How do I subscribe to this list PLEASE ?

 I send a message to the listserv and I got this reply:


 > SUB AUDITORY Argiris Kranidiotis
 Sorry, list AUDITORY is closed.

 Summary of resource utilization
  CPU time:        0.064 sec                Device I/O:    12
  Overhead CPU:    0.008 sec                Paging I/O:    14
  CPU model:        3090                    DASD model:  3380


 How do I subscribe to this list ?

 Thank you,

      ____________________________      __________________________________
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    /   Argiris A. Kranidiotis _/ /\  /       E-mail (Internet):       _/ /\
   /  University Of Athens    / \/   /                                / \/
  / Informatics Department    /\    /  akra@zeus.di.uoa.ariadne-t.gr  /\
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