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Auditory Models in Music Research

 1st issue is published

 Journal of New Music Research is an international journal devoted to
 the discussion of developments in new music and new research in music.
 This includes the study of instrumental and electronic music, computer
 interactive and multi-media systems, music related DSP, psychoacoustics
 and all aspects dealing with music perception, cognition and music

 Marc Leman and Paul Berg

 First issue in Part I of a special issue on AUDITORY MODELS IN MUSIC
 RESEARCH. The table of contents is:

 Marc Leman
 Introduction to Auditory Models in Music Research

 Leslie S. Smith
 Sound Segmentation Using Onsets and Offsets

 Neil P. McAngus Todd
 The Auditory "Primal Sketch": A Multiscale Model of Rhythmic Grouping

 Piero Cosi, Giovanni De Poli and Giampaolo Lauzanna
 Auditory Modelling and Self-Organizing Neural Networks for Timbre

 Part II will be published in June
 Table of Contents:

 Guy J. Brown and Martin Cooke
 Perceptual Grouping of Musical Sounds: A Computational Model

 Bernice Laden
 A Parallel Learning Model of Musical Pitch Perception

 Richard Parncutt
 Template-Matching Models of Musical Pitch and Rhythm Perception

 Marc Leman
 Schema Based Tone Recognition of Musical Signals

 For more information contact Martin Scrivener, Publisher, Swets &
 Zeitlinger in the Netherlands. E-mail: scrivy@swets.nl