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[Sheila Williams: job request]

Dear AUDITORY list -

I have been sent the following request by Sheila Williams of
Sheffield University.  I am forwarding it to the list in case
any of you know of any suitable positions.

--  DAn Ellis <dpwe@media.mit.edu>
    MIT Media Lab Perceptual Computing.

------- Forwarded Message

Date: Tue, 29 Mar 94 10:10:43 BST
From: Sheila Williams <S.Williams@dcs.shef.ac.uk>
Subject: job request


If it is acceptible to post job requests on your mailing list, could you
please distribute the following,


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  Cognitive Scientist (Speech and Auditory Perception) seeks Research Position
        (can travel)


        BA Hons. (Open)     Psychology
        BSc Hons. (CNAA)    Computing Science
        PhD (Reading, UK)   Linguistic Science

 Research Experience (7 years at post-doctoral level):

        Empirical Study of Auditory Grouping (Auditory Scene Analysis)
        Computational modelling of Auditory Perception and of Lexical Phonology
        Phonology of speech style
        Data elicitation and analysis of inter- and intra-speaker variation

  - includes experience of grant and project management and international

Details, referees and publications available on request.

Sheila M Williams

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