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ICAD '94 Update

                                 U P D A T E
                                 - - - - - -

                                  ICAD '94
                  International Conference on Auditory Display
                            Santa Fe, New Mexico
                          Dates: November 7-9, 1994

                                 Sponsored by
                              Santa Fe Institute


    The deadline for submission of papers to ICAD '94 has been extended
    to May 15, 1994.  All other important dates remain the same.


    ICAD '94 will devote one full session to student papers.  Students are
    invited to submit papers on any aspect of Auditory Display.  These
    papers should be 2-4 pages in length, and each paper will be allowed
    10 minutes plus a brief question-and-answer period.  Student authors
    should submit three copies of their paper to the ICAD address below
    by July 15, 1994.  Student authors will be notified of the Review
    Committee's decisions by September 1, 1994.  In order to encourage
    student participation in ICAD '94, students will be offered a
    significant discount on the registration fee.


    ICAD '94 will also include informal sessions where preliminary
    or speculative material and descriptions or demonstrations of
    hardware and software may be presented.  Send one copy of your
    poster session paper or a description of your demonstration to
    the address above by 15 July 1993.

       |                                                             |
       |                       IMPORTANT DATES                       |
       |                                                             |
       |  Manuscript submission                         15 May 1994  |
       |                                                             |
       |  Notification of review decisions              15 Jul 1994  |
       |                                                             |
       |  Student paper submission                      15 Jul 1994  |
       |                                                             |
       |  Poster/Demo proposal submission               15 Jul 1994  |
       |                                                             |
       |  Notification of poster/demo decisions          1 Sep 1994  |
       |                                                             |
       |  Notification of student paper decisions        1 Sep 1994  |
       |                                                             |
       |  Camera-ready copy (all papers)                 2 Dec 1994  |
       |                                                             |

     Send all submissions to:

          Santa Fe Institute
          1660 Old Pecos Trail, Suite A
          Santa Fe, NM 87051

     For the latest complete details on ICAD '94, send a brief e-mail
     request to
