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Colloquium New Music Research: Call for Papers
Call for Papers
International Colloquium on New Music Research
Composition, Perception and Performance
Ghent, 20-22 october, 1994
IPEM - Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music
Blandijnberg 2
University of Ghent, Belgium
The International Colloquium, celebrating the 30th anniversary of
IPEM, aims to give a state of the art in new music and new
research about music. This includes aspects of instrumental and
electronic music, computer interactive and multi-media systems,
music related digital signal processing, perception, cognition,
and history. Advanced tutorials will be presented by the follow-
ing invited speakers (also members of the scientific committee):
A. Camurri (University of Genova, Genova, Italy),
P. Berg (Royal Conservatory, The Hague, The Netherlands)
R. Dannenberg (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, USA)
R. Rowe (New York University, New York, USA)
T. Ungvary (Institute for Electronic and Experimental Music, Vienna, Austria)
IPEM has played a central role in the development of contemporary
music in Flanders and Belgium. During the colloquium, a Festival
of New Music is taking place, reflecting the artistic activity in
and around IPEM over a period of 30 years.
Contributors can apply for one of the following subject
(1) perception and cognition of new music
(2) new technology for composition and performance
(3) multi-media: the integration of music with other art forms
(4) new music at IPEM
(5) problems of music representation
Contributions, in the form of abstract or short papers (max 10
pages), will be evaluated by the scientific committee. Accepted
papers will be printed in the pre-proceedings and a full paper
can be demanded after the conference.
15 mai 1994: submission of abstracts and short papers
15 june 1994: letter of acceptance to the contributors
The registration fee is 2500 BEF. This includes one copy of the
pre-proceedings as well as free entrance to all concerts and so-
cial events.
Marc Leman (University of Ghent), Henry Pousseur (University of
Liege), Herman Sabbe (University of Ghent), supported by the
University of Ghent, the Belgian National Science Foundation, the
Philharmonic Society of Brussels, the Arthur Grumiaux Foundation,
the Ministry of the Flemish Community.
Marc Leman, University of Ghent, Institute for Psychoacoustics
and Electronic Music, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 GHENT, Tel: +32 9
2644125, Fax: +32 9 2644196, Email: Marc.Leman@rug.ac.be.
Hotel reservations should be made as soon as possible. In Hotel
Astoria (Nederkouter 24-26, B-9000 GHENT, Belgium, Tel: +32 9
2250707) the (university) price for a single is 2565 BEF, for a
double 2790 BEF.