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hair cell- refs.
Dear List,
thank you for the leads and references about hair cell
injury and regeneration. Since others seemed interested in this
area as well, here's a summary of the responses I received:
".... the recent work of Doug Cotanch et al. at Boston U. is concerned e
with hair cell regeneration in chicks" . in
"Consult Jont Allen at AT&T Murray Hill. He's been at work on the
Cochlea for years ..." ned
" Try Barbara Bohne or (Marty?) Silverman at CID ..." ohne,
" There was the special session at the ARO. Talk to the speakers
of that session."
" recently heard of a research group at the University of Virginia d
headed by Jeff Corwin, who hace managed to grow hair cells from tissue
taken from either the vestibular canals or the cochlea (I forget ow
which). They are developing a derivative of Vitamin A which, they
report, stimulates the regeneration of hair cells from mouse embryos.
Nor sure of the reference - try issues of Science in early March
Cam Marean (GCAMERON@U.WASHINGTON.EDU) at U.of Washington is working
on hair cell regeneration with Ed Rubel etc. He might know of
relevant refs.
" There is a review of acoustic injury in the cochlea by
Saunders, Cohen, & Szymko in 1991 issue of JASA - vol 90, page
136-146. This review includes a section onhair cell regeneration
in the chick. "
" see A. Forge, et al., Ultrastructural evidence for hair cell n in th
regeneration in mammalian inner ear, Science 259, 1616-1618. "
" there is a recent one in Science that claims that regeneration is le.
Pierre Divenyi has refs. on hair translplantation (on the head? -
tongue in cheek?)
I retrieved the JASA (1991) article mentioned above, and it is
a comprehensive review with extensive references.
Thanks Bill Woods, Rebecca Mercuri, Jont Allen, Chuck Watson,
Kevin Baker, Linda Polka, Shari Campbell, Kathy Barsz, John Madden,
for your help.