Index for 5pAB
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
5pAB1. Three-dimensional localizations of vocalizing blue whales.
5pAB2. Passive acoustic tracking of echolocating harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). I. Fisheries management requirements and biological basis.
5pAB3. Passive acoustic tracking of echolocating harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). II. Methodology and results.
5pAB4. Inexpensive passive acoustic animal tracking system.
5pAB5. A feasibility field study of monitoring blue whales using the Pt. Sur Ocean Acoustic Observatory.
5pAB6. Acoustical localization of dolphins in shallow water.
5pAB7. Acoustic census of sperm whales in the eastern temperate North Pacific.
5pAB8. Acoustical models and measurements of individual Antarctic krill.
5pAB9. In-situ acousto-optical imaging of zooplankton with the OASIS system.
5pAB10. Incoherent localization of targets for a three-dimensional multibeam sonar imaging system.