Index for 5aSC
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
5aSC1. Comparison of pitch reset characteristics between children's filler syllable and starter syllable productions.
5aSC2. Interaction between prosody and discourse structure in a simulated man--machine dialogue.
5aSC3. Categorical judgments of pathological voice quality.
5aSC4. Early use of pitch accent in Japanese spoken-word recognition.
5aSC5. Simultaneous communication in beginning signers, part I: Temporal characteristics of speed.
5aSC6. Pathologic discrimination through acoustic analysis of voice.
5aSC7. Acoustic cues to syntatic structure.
5aSC8. Rethinking the basics of declination.
5aSC9. Interactions among F0, duration, and amplitude in the perception of focus.
5aSC10. Glottal airflow voice source characteristics of 11-year-old singers.
5aSC11. Combined simulation of two-dimensional airflow and vocal-fold vibration.
5aSC12. Native language determines the parsing of nonlinguistic rhythmic stimuli.
5aSC13. Resyllabification evidence for diphthongal off-glides as coda consonants.
5aSC14. A five-year longitudinal investigation of duration and temporal variability in children's speech production.
5aSC15. Pitch discrimination during breathy versus modal phonation (final results).
5aSC16. Word timing in a counting task and perceived severity of impairment in spasmodicdysphonia.
5aSC17. LF source model adequacy for pathological voices.
5aSC18. Constraints on syllable structure in speech.
5aSC19. Kinematic and spectral measures of supralaryngeal correlates of the accent contrast in Australian English high vowels.
5aSC20. Rate manipulation and stability of onset and coda structures.
5aSC21. Some factors influencing duration between syllables judged perceptually isochronous.
5aSC22. Difference limens for frequency and amplitude perturbation as a function of fundamental frequency and waveshape.
5aSC23. Insights on normal vocal-fold oscillation from the acoustic dissection of single glottic pulses in vocal fry.
5aSC24. Acoustical evidence for the role of preaspiration in Norwegian.
5aSC25. Voice F0 responses to feedback pitch are not affected by speed of stimulus onset.
5aSC26. Characteristics of roughness in esophageal speech.
5aSC27. Modeling and analysis of speakers with vocal-fold nodules.
5aSC28. Neonates attend to perceptual cues to rudimentary grammatical categories.
5aSC29. Interference in short-term pitch and timbre memory due to the structure of a tone sequence.