Index for 5aNSb
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
5aNSb1. Military aircraft noise and the outdoor recreationalist.
5aNSb2. Measurements of personal aircraft noise exposure of outdoor recreationists.
5aNSb3. Methodological study of sleep motility measurements.
5aNSb4. Nighttime sleep disturbance in residential communities---A review of recent U.S. field research and a recommended new dose--response relationship.
5aNSb5. Comparison of noise metrics for predicting the annoyance of aircraft overflight noise.
5aNSb6. Investigation of low frequency aircraft noise near airports.
5aNSb7. Airbag noise hazard examined with a mathematical model of the human ear.
5aNSb8. Variation in estimates of excess risk among screened and unscreened populations.
5aNSb9. Noise control under successive fulfillment of jobs specified by various degrees of labor tension.