Index for 5aAB
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
5aAB1. Phantom echo generation in dolphin echolocation experiments.
5aAB2. Bioacoustics measurement system control and coordination using
5aAB3. A portable virtual instrument for collection of cetacean auditory evoked potentials.
5aAB4. Active impedance control in a water-filled waveguide for low-frequency bioacoustic testing.
5aAB5. An autonomous acoustic recorder for shallow arctic waters.
5aAB6. A microprocessor-based tag to record acoustics experienced and generated by migrating northern elephant seals.
5aAB7. An acoustic transponder based tracking, data-telemetry, and logging system for real-time monitoring of 3-D positions and collection of other data from large marine vertebrates.