In the early 1960s, Paul Veneklasen began to develop an idea to synthesize an indoor acoustical space coming to fruition with the development and construction of an electroacoustic system called Auditorium Synthesis. This system allows the listener to preview various types of spaces prior to construction [Paul S. Veneklasen, Int. Symposium on Arch. Acoustics, 21--43 (1974)]. Listener preferential settings including source strength (G), early decay time (EDT), early/late energy (C), and lateral energy fraction from the Otis A. Singletary Center for the Arts (Lexington, Kentucky). A comparison of preferred orchestral settings and modeled seat locations will be performed. With impulse response data from the completed concert hall at the Singletary Center for the Arts, a comparison will be shown of newer parameters between the modeled seat locations from Auditorium Synthesis and concert hall data.