Index for 4aUW
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
4aUW1. Matched-field processing for multitonal source localization.
4aUW2. Range-dependent multitone matched-field processing in SWellEX-3.
4aUW3. Evaluation of different techniques in matched-field processing using measured data.
4aUW4. Broadband signal detection: Comparison of vertical aperture arrays using adaptive matched-field processing and a horizontal line array using adaptive plane-wave beamforming.
4aUW5. Detection of low-level broadband signals using adaptive matched-field processing with horizontal arrays.
4aUW6. Broadband matched-field processing.
4aUW7. Matched-field processing using Bartlett sidelobe interference structures.
4aUW8. Coherent and incoherent broadband matched-field processing with SWellEX-96 data.
4aUW9. Absolute units for acoustic pressure levels: Shades of Carl Eckart and Bob Urick [ASA medalists as pioneers in underwater acoustics, 1973 and 1988, respectively].
4aUW10. Near-surface source depth resolution in a shallow-water environment.
4aUW11. Source localization in shallow water with internal waves.
4aUW12. Time-reversal focusing with less than a full water column source array.
4aUW13. Comparisons of computed and exact time-reversing array retrofocusing in a shallow-water sound channel.
4aUW14. Variable range focusing in a time-reversal mirror.
4aUW15. Acoustic time reversal in nonlinear wave propagation.