Index for 4aPP
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
4aPP1. Rhythmic masking release (RMR): A paradigm to investigate auditory grouping resulting from the integration of time-varying intensity levels across frequency and across ears.
4aPP2. Effect of temporal gaps on informational and energy-based masking.
4aPP3. Reducing the effects of masker uncertainty with harmonicity and onset/offset synchrony.
4aPP4. Spectral integration and the detection of tones in modulated and unmodulated noise.
4aPP5. Auditory temporal microstructure: Evidence of under- and over-shoot at onset and offset of a narrow-band noise masker measured in an off-frequency masked detection task.
4aPP6. Effects of fine structure on onset behavior of distortion products in humans.
4aPP7. The ``center-of-gravity'' effect in dynamic tones.
4aPP8. Discriminability of correlated bursts of reproducible noise.
4aPP9. Sequential interactions in the discrimination of frequency increments co-occurring with irrelevant increments in frequency, duration, or level.
4aPP10. A recovery model for coincidence neurons.
4aPP11. Neural responses to the onset of voicing are unrelated to other measures of temporal sensitivity.
4aPP12. Regular interval stimuli: Are higher-order intervals necessary?