3aSAb2. End correction in vibrational power flow measurement through joints.

Session: Wednesday Morning, December 3

Author: Qunli Wu
Location: School of Mech. and Production Eng., Nanyang Technolog. Univ., Nanyang Ave., Singapore 639798, Republic of Singapore


In the determination of coupling loss factors for complex joints, such as adhesive or bearing joints, analytical methods may not provide satisfactory results. The experimental approaches are normally preferred. In the measurements of the coupling loss factors for the joints, it is assumed that the end reflection can be neglected. However, it is difficult to create such nonreflection termination in the experiments. In this paper, the effects of end reflection in the determination of the coupling loss factors were studied. A new method using the measured reflection coefficients of the termination to correct the measured coupling loss factors was proposed. The experimental study was carried out in the stepped beams and adhesively bonded beams. The experimentally corrected results were compared with the theory.

ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997