2aUW8. Telemetry and tracking methods for noisy multipath environments.

Session: Tuesday Morning, December 2

Author: Raymond J. Kraszewski
Location: Naval Undersea Warfare Ctr. Div., Keyport, 610 Dowell St., Keyport, WA 98345, rayk@kpt.nuwc.navy.mil


Abstract underwater tracking of submerged vehicles in a noisy acoustic environment presents significant performance challenges caused by the presence of countermeasures, multipath interference, and propagation loss. The challenge is exacerbated in shallow water. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Keyport, has assessed several techniques for improving underwater tracking system performance. The study showed that implementation of a ``telemetric'' system based upon signal modulation techniques could afford considerable benefits in performance. This has been confirmed through experiments conducted at a shallow-water tracking range site on the continental shelf area of the Washington State coast. The quality of ``raw'' tracking data rivaled that of traditional data which had undergone postprocess ``smoothing.'' To perform these experiments, a software-controlled, processor-based tracking system known as Counter Measure Tolerant Telemetry and Tracking, or CMTTT, was developed employing phase and frequency shift keyed modulation and adaptive normalization techniques to afford improved localization accuracy under conditions, which include the presence of countermeasures in shallow water. A description of the hardware configuration of CMTTT as well as the theoretical foundations for the core signal processing algorithms are presented. Test results and accuracy issues are discussed together with suggestions for further improvement of performance.

ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997