Index for 2aSC
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
2aSC1. Information theory and variance estimation techniques in the analysis of category rating and paired comparisons.
2aSC2. Must sine wave analogs be perceived as implicit speech to be perceived categorically?
2aSC3. Analysis of formant transition and burst cue integration in stop consonant perception.
2aSC4. Influence of phonotactic rules on perception of ambiguous segments.
2aSC5. Phonetic variability in /s/ and /z/ segment errors: A multitalker acoustic study.
2aSC6. Acoustic analysis of simple vowels with nasal coda in standard Chinese.
2aSC7. Exploration of the perceptual magnet effect using the mismatch negativity auditory evoked potential.
2aSC8. The effect of presentation level on the perception of voicing.
2aSC9. Integration of acoustic information in the perception of [s] (plus or minus) stop clusters by children and adults.
2aSC10. Perceptual-magnet effect as categorical perception.
2aSC11. Effects of the uvula and the epiglottis on measurements of vowel production: Assessment by synthesis.
2aSC12. Endoscopic and acoustic evidence of the guttural natural class.
2aSC13. Effects of consonant environment on vowel formant patterns.
2aSC14. Acoustic differences between syllable-initial [f] and [(theta)].
2aSC15. Word--initial versus word--final consonant articulation.
2aSC16. Categorical perception of Japanese moraic phonemes.
2aSC17. The effect of speaking-rate manipulations on segment durations and formant frequencies in dysarthric speakers with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
2aSC18. Acoustic and intelligibility characteristics of sentence production in neurogenic speech disorders.
2aSC19. Articulatory trade-offs reduce acoustic variability in American English /r/ productions.
2aSC20. Spectral transition in the perception of English segments.
2aSC21. Spectral change in the vowel formant space of Long Island vowels.
2aSC22. Cross-validation study of vowel perception in Finnish and English.
2aSC23. Perceptual interactions among voice onset time, second formant onset, voice, and place of articulation.
2aSC24. Effect of relative amplitude manipulation on perception of voiceless fricatives by normal and impaired listeners.
2aSC25. Perception of long and short tones in Taiwanese speech.
2aSC26. Factors affecting vowel identification in hearing-impaired listeners.