Index for 2aPA
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
2aPA1. Equivalent phased array methods to predict acoustic fields of planar and focused ultrasound transducers.
2aPA2. Ultrasonic properties of aluminosilicate glass.
2aPA3. Coherence calculations for propagation through anisotropic, turbulent velocity fluctuations.
2aPA4. Confirmation of the effective coefficient for scattering by turbulent velocity fluctuations.
2aPA5. Strategies for computing sound propagation through realistic three-dimensional turbulence.
2aPA6. First symbiosis between rigorous ray tracing and the parabolic approximation.
2aPA7. Backscattering enhancements due to retroreflection of leaky Rayleigh waves at the truncation of a finite-solid cylinder: Measurements and test of a theory.
2aPA8. Bravais effective refractive index for tilted plastic cylinders and the caustic-merging transition in the meridional plane: Demonstration of an optical analogy.
2aPA9. Backscattering enhancement for tilted plastic cylinders in water due to the caustic-merging transition: Ultrasonic observations.
2aPA10. Scattering of pulse signals from fluid-filled elastic shells.
2aPA11. FDTD boundary treatment for scattering from penetrable objects.