2aMU1. Mesa di voce: An investigation of the symmetry of crescendo and decrescendo in singing.

Session: Tuesday Morning, December 2

Author: Ingo Titze
Location: Dept. of Speech Pathol. and Audiol. & Natl. Ctr. for Voice and Speech, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
Author: Russel Long
Location: Denver Ctr. for the Performing Arts, Denver, CO 80204


Messa di voce (to place the voice) is an often used exercise by professional classical singers. It is a crescendo followed by a decrescendo on a constant pitch and vowel. Difficulty is often encountered in maintaining constant voice quality (register) and a consistent and gradual loudness change, especially at high pitches. Six well-trained singers were studied, three males and three females. Measurements consisted of sound pressure level, electroglottography, oral airflow, subglottal pressure, lung volume change, and ribcage and abdomen movement. Results indicate that symmetry between crescendo and decrescendo portions is effected by variations in subglottal pressure and peak acoustic airflow, and to a lesser extent, by abdominal movement. Subjects also differed greatly in their soft--loud dynamic ranges. [Work supported by NIDCD, Grant No. P60 DC00976.]

ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997