2aEA8. Lamb waves generation using embedded piezoelectric elements in composite plates.

Session: Tuesday Morning, December 2

Author: Jamal Assaad
Location: Dept. of OAE, IEMN, Valenciennes Univ., BP 311 Le Mont-Houy, 59304 Valenciennes, France
Author: Emmanuel Moulin
Location: Dept. of OAE, IEMN, Valenciennes Univ., BP 311 Le Mont-Houy, 59304 Valenciennes, France
Author: Christophe Delebarre
Location: Dept. of OAE, IEMN, Valenciennes Univ., BP 311 Le Mont-Houy, 59304 Valenciennes, France


With the aim of designing nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring systems for composite parts of complex structures (e.g., aircrafts), Lamb waves generated using embedded miniaturized transducers seem to be a very promising technique. Therefore, a cylindrical transducer embedded in a composite host plate has been considered. The electrical impedance of the transducer alone in vacuum and then of the embedded transducer, which allows the identification of the resonance modes, have been obtained by the finite-element method (FEM). Moreover, the displacement fields in the plate, which allow the identification of the type of Lamb waves generated, have been computed at the resonance frequencies. Comparison between the FEM results and the Lamb waves dispersion curves of the host material are in good agreement. Experimental results (electrical impedance, frequency response, and phase velocities) concerning a composite plate specimen containing the same piezoelectric transducer inside it will be shown. A good agreement is generally obtained between numerical and experimental results.

ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997