Index for 2aAO
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
2aAO1. Inverse problems in radar measurements of stochastic processes in the ionosphere.
2aAO2. The internal wave spectrum: Evolution, resolution, and inversion.
2aAO3. Megameter-scale oceanography of internal waves: Past, present, and future.
2aAO4. Determining the parameters of an ocean internal wave model using acoustic log-amplitude and phase---A Rytov inverse.
2aAO5. Just how stochastic are coastal oceanographic fields?
2aAO6. New calculations of the acoustic weighting function for ocean internal-wave tomography.
2aAO7. Long-range tomography experiment in the western equatorial Pacific.
2aAO8. Ray/mode duality and turning point filters.
2aAO9. Numerical simulation of the parametric array application for the Fram Strait acoustic monitoring.