Index for 1pAO
ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997
1pAO1. Underwater acoustics for seafloor geodesy.
1pAO2. Possible seismic evidence for fluid migration at the eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge flank.
1pAO3. Sonar observations of deep ocean hydrothermal flows.
1pAO4. Seismoacoustic recordings of a volcanic event on the Mohns Ridge, 1995.
1pAO5. Earthquake studies using under-ice hydrophone data (``Spinnaker'').
1pAO6. Locating ridge seismicity near Ascension Island using hydroacoustic and seismic data.
1pAO7. Implications of nonfractal seafloor stochasticity on acoustical scattering from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
1pAO8. Fractals, wavelets, and stochastic interface modeling.