4pEA9. Comb transducer design for optimal guided wave performance.

Session: Thursday Afternoon, June 19

Author: Semyen P. Pelts
Location: Dept. of Eng. Sci. and Mech., Penn State Univ., 114 Hallowell Bldg., University Park, PA 16802, j1r@psuvm.psu.edu
Author: Joseph L. Rose
Location: Dept. of Eng. Sci. and Mech., Penn State Univ., 114 Hallowell Bldg., University Park, PA 16802, j1r@psuvm.psu.edu
Author: Michael J. Quarry
Location: Dept. of Eng. Sci. and Mech., Penn State Univ., 114 Hallowell Bldg., University Park, PA 16802, j1r@psuvm.psu.edu


Benefits of a comb transducer for producing guided waves in a structure include an ability to produce specific guided waves of choice in a low modulus material as well as good flexibility in mode choice and generation. As a result, excellent sensitivity and penetration power can be obtained by optimal mode choice. The comb transducer design for effective excitation of guided waves in an isotropic elastic plate is therefore considered in this study. The design involves optimizing geometrical and mechanical parameters of the transducer such as number of elements, element width, comb sizing, and frequency bandwidth. The mathematical model is necessary to provide framework for this design. The impulse excitation in an elastic plate is studied by applying a double Fourier transform in the wave-number and frequency domains. The method of residues and numerical integration are used to evaluate the solution of the boundary value problem. The solution demonstrates how various parameters affect the transmission of energy in the elastic plate. Experimental results are obtained on the basis of this model. [Work supported by the Office of Naval Research.]

ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997