With the developments in modeling the propagation of sound through the atmosphere, it is now possible to merge these models with sensor models to determine the impact of the atmosphere on acoustic sensor performance. Early numerical models such as the Fast-Field Program (FFP) allowed users to predict the effects of refraction, geometric spreading, diffraction, and complex ground impedance on sound propagation in the atmosphere. Coupling these numerical models with models for acoustic arrays, gave researchers the ability to predict the effects of the mean atmosphere on array performance. The newer numerical models like the Parabolic Equation (PE) and Green's Function PE (GFPE) have allowed researchers to incorporate homogeneous and isotropic turbulence and complex terrain into propagation models. These new capabilities will lead to determining the effects of turbulence and terrain on acoustic arrays. With the development of high-speed/low-power/low-cost microcomputers, it is now possible to even integrate simple propagation models into an acoustic array processor. This will allow the development of smart acoustic arrays which can determine the impact of the atmosphere on their performance and possibly modify how the array processes the data.