3pPP24. Insert earphones: Calibration and reference thresholds.

Session: Wednesday Afternoon, June 18

Author: Tom Frank
Location: Dept. of Commun. Disord., Penn State Univ., S-A Moore Bldg., University Park, PA 16802


Since their introduction in 1984, insert earphones (Etymotic ER-3A and EARtone 3A) have gained widespread popularity for numerous applications in audiology, hearing science, and for different hearing aid fitting procedures. This informational poster describes several procedures that can be used for output calibration using different coupler types specified by ANSI, IEC, and ISO. This will be done by describing step-by-step calibration procedures. Further, ANSI and ISO insert earphone reference threshold levels for pure tones and speech will be presented for different coupler types.

ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997