Index for 3aSC
ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997
3aSC1. Comparing listener's perception of place coarticulation in voiceless stops with discriminant analysis.
3aSC2. Matching frequency glides with two steady tones.
3aSC3. Comparison of native English speakers' perception and production of the English vowel /i/.
3aSC4. A model of silence duration adaptation in the perception of consonant cluster pairs.
3aSC5. Perception of features in the identification of English consonants.
3aSC6. An acoustic and perceptual study of Swiss German stops.
3aSC7. Effects of preceding liquids and fricatives of different places of articulation on perception of stop consonants.
3aSC8. The effect of masking and filtering of envelope modulations on the recognition of consonants.
3aSC9. Similarity scaling for consonants and consonant clusters in initial position.
3aSC10. The role of vowel duration in the perception of /E/ and /(ae ligature)/.
3aSC11. Vowel stability may constrain selective adaptation.
3aSC12. The spectral difference of different vowels: Toward a new acoustical concept.
3aSC13. Fourier spectra and formant patterns of German vowels produced at F0 of 70--850 Hz.
3aSC14. A phonation-type effect in vowel perception.
3aSC15. Perceptual evaluation of alternate formant normalization models.
3aSC16. Binaural enhancement of simultaneous vowels.
3aSC17. Visual and auditory factors in vowel perception.