Index for 2pUW
ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997
2pUW1. Time reversal in acoustics: Background and perspectives.
2pUW2. Time-reversed ultrasound.
2pUW3. Experimental demonstration of an acoustic time-reversal mirror in the ocean.
2pUW4. Time-reversal signal processing: Background, theory, and application.
2pUW5. Iterative time reversal in the ocean.
2pUW6. Measurements and modeling of signal spread in the Barents Sea using time-forward and time-reversed signals.
2pUW7. Modeling of signal spreads in shallow water for one-way, two-way, and two-way time-reversed signals.
2pUW8. Time-reverse acoustic array focusing in the presence of a soliton-type internal wave.
2pUW9. Implementation of a time-reversal cavity by confining a time-reversal mirror in a waveguide.
2pUW10. One-channel time-reversal in a chaotic two-dimensional silicon cavity.
2pUW11. Time reversal array focal zone predictions using simulations in the time domain.
2pUW12. The D.O.R.T. method.
2pUW13. Solving the inverse problem in nonlinear acoustics by backpropagation of the received signal.
2pUW14. Three-dimensional modeling of a time reversal mirror to image objects buried in an inhomogeneous seabed.
2pUW15. Imaging with eigenfunctions of the scattering operator.
2pUW16. Experimental investigation of modal structure of field generated by a pulse-source in a laboratory hydroacoustic waveguide.