2pSA9. A new technique for the numerical solution of a class of integro-differential equations arising in elastodynamic crack propagation problems.

Session: Tuesday Afternoon, June 17

Author: Francesco Costanzo
Location: Eng. Sci. and Mech. Dept., Penn State Univ., 227 Hammond Bldg., University Park, PA 16802, fxc8@psu.edu
Author: Jay R. Walton
Location: Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 77843


A strategy for the numerical solution of a type of integro-differential equation arising from the analysis of dynamic crack propagation problems is presented. Specifically, the problem of interest is that of a mode III crack dynamically propagating in a homogeneous linear elastic medium while the crack tip consists of a nonlinear rate-dependent cohesive (or failure) zone. The mode of propagation is general, that is, not restricted to steady-state or other special regimes. Furthermore, the presented solution technique is in no way restricted to mode III problems.

ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997